Penguin Ambidextrous Ergonomic Vertical Mouse Review

Penguin ambidextrous ergonomic vertical mouse is a major breakthrough in the battle to beat health problems associated with long term computer use.

It sets new standards of protection against a range of upper limb conditions such as repetitive strain injury (RSI) and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This is achieved by enabling both right and left hands to share the workload.

Penguin Ambidextrous Ergonomic Vertical Mouse Review

Regular switching of hands throughout the day helps prevent static muscle strain (SMS) in the arm and shoulder.

It also avoids exaggerated movements of the wrist joint that can increase pressure on the soft tissues in the carpal tunnel.

The ambidextrous design with an easy glide symmetrical base allows the user to rest either hand comfortably alongside the vertical structure. Thus encouraging the use of bigger muscles in the forearm and upper arm to move the mouse.

Two ergonomic studies ( one by VSI risk management and ergonomics inc in California and one by the University of Brighton in the UK) have established penguin as the leading ergonomic mouse in the market.

90% of the study participants said that the penguin was the most comfortable mouse to use. 82% stated that the penguin had superior design and usability while 100% said that they could use the penguin for an entire day without getting tired.

Penguin Ambidextrous Ergonomic Vertical Mouse – Key features

Posturite Penguin Wired Ambidextrous Ergonomic Mouse - Vertical...
  • Naturally Comfortable The vertical alignment encourages a more...
  • Ambidextrous Design Central 'bow-tie' switch allows for easy...
  • Precision performance laser Provides accurate tracking on typical...

The penguin mouse has a central bow tie switch which allows for easy transition between the right and left-handed use.

Fine cursor control can be achieved with small hand and/or finger movements.

The tracking method is by laser which helps in accurate and precise tracking on typical work surfaces.

It has adjustable DPI settings-400,600,800,1200 that encourages fast and precise movements.

The scroll wheel is big and horizontal making scrolling very easy and precise. It also has an auto-scroll feature.

It supports a wide range of operating systems. The operating systems supported are Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS X.

Penguin ambidextrous ergonomic vertical mouse comes with antimicrobial protection. Based on silver ions, Biocote keeps the mouse fresher and cleaner for longer, protecting against odor-causing and staining microbes, such as bacteria and mold.

Product description

The penguin mouse is available in three sizes. So if you’re looking for an ergonomic mouse for small hands or large hands, this will fit your needs.

Penguin Ambidextrous Ergonomic Vertical Mouse comes in different sizes

To determine which size is most appropriate, measure the distance between the top of the wrist to the tip of your middle finger.

The small is ideal for a distance up to 16cms (0-6 inches), medium for 16-18cms ( 6-7 inches) and large for a distance more than 18cms (7 inches +).

Penguin Ambidextrous Ergonomic Vertical Mouse Review

The medium mouse comes in the dimensions of 7.5*5*4 inches and weighs 5.6 ounces. It requires about 5 volts.

The penguin mouse is classy and beautifully designed. It has a horizontal scroll wheel as the lips of the penguin. Above the scroll wheel is the left click button and below the scroll wheel is the right-click button. There is a rocker switch which is also called a bow tie switch near the base of the penguin. The switch can be used by the left/right hand.

The cable length is 183cms. On the back of the device, aimed towards the user, there is a P from the penguin and posturite logo, which lights up as blue color.

The penguin mouse uses ‘plug-and-play’ technology. No additional software is required.

What we liked about the Penguin Ambidextrous Ergonomic Vertical Mouse

The penguin mouse is antibacterial to inhibit the growth of bacteria making it perfect for hot-desking environments.

The control of the mouse is perfect. The cursor on the screen moves quite smoothly and it is quite easy to use, even without much practice the mouse is going exactly where it needs to go.

Clicking the scroll wheel activates auto-scroll. This can be useful to scroll quickly through very long pages.

Penguin mouse is naturally comfortable. The vertical alignment encourages a more ergonomic operating position. The easy-glide symmetrical base allows the user to rest the hand comfortably on the vertical structure.

Posturite Penguin Wired Ambidextrous Ergonomic Mouse - Vertical...

The ambidextrous design ( the central bow tie switch) allows for easy transition between right and left-handed use.

The four adjustable DPI encourages fast and precise operating movements.

The penguin mouse is guaranteed for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase. This guarantee does not apply to misuse or normal wear and tear.

What’s not so great

Most users have complained of buttons sticking together. You have to play with it to get it unstuck. The left-click button sometimes can be a bit hard to press.

Using the top part of the index finger all the time repeatedly to press the top button can be stressful for the index finger.

Although the penguin mouse comes with antimicrobial protection (Biocote), this technology, however, is not a substitute for good hygiene and/or cleaning practices.

Biocote does not protect against disease-causing bacteria, germs, viruses or other harmful organisms. Regularly clean hands and keep the mouse clean.

How to use penguin ambidextrous ergonomic vertical mouse

Plug the USB cable into an empty USB port to being using the penguin mouse. As its ‘plug and play’ technology, it starts to work needing no other software.

The penguin is set as a right-handed mouse by default. If you want an ergonomic mouse for the left hand, simply depress the raised section of the rocker switch (bow tie) at the front of the penguin.

Posturite Penguin Wired Ambidextrous Ergonomic Mouse - Vertical...

This will adjust the direction of the scroll wheel.

The default setting is 400 DPI. To adjust, press and release the DPI button on the base of the penguin. The illuminated ‘P’ logo will flash to indicate the DPI has been changed. Here is how the ‘P’ logo reacts –

  • 400 DPI – The illuminated ‘P’ logo will remain constant ( default setting)
  • 600 DPI- The illuminated ‘P’ logo will flash (5Hz) for five seconds.
  • 800 DPI- The illuminated ‘P’ logo will flash (10Hz) faster for five seconds.
  • 1200DPI- The illuminated ‘P’ logo will flash ( 20Hz) fastest for five seconds.

The scroll wheel is precise and has a soft touch and feel. To activate the auto-scroll feature, click the scroll wheel inwards or downwards. Now move the penguin forwards or backward to start autoscrolling at the desired speed.

To stop the auto-scroll, click the scroll wheel again.

Although your penguin is ‘plug and play’, it is worth making sure your computer is up to date with the latest drivers/operating software for pointing devices.

Always make sure that the sensor on the underside of the penguin isn’t covered and has a clear line of sight to the surface below. Regularly remove dirt and dust build-up from the underneath of your penguin mouse to ensure a smooth glide movement.

It is always a good idea to use the penguin on a smooth surface or a mouse mat/non-reflective surface


Penguin ambidextrous ergonomic vertical mouse is the best mouse to go for if you are having pain in hands, wrists, and arms due to ergonomic issues.

It keeps your hand in a neutral position and relaxed. Say goodbye to strains in the arms, wrists, and shoulders. You can use it the whole day without feeling fatigued/aches/pains or any discomfort. Its soft gripping design gives the mouse a natural handshake position.

The easy-glide symmetrical base allows the hands to hold the vertical structure with ease giving good control and precise movements.

The adjustable DPI settings allow smooth and faster operations. The ice-blue light flashes on the alphabet “P” give a good idea of the current DPI.

The ambidextrous design makes it easy to switch between right and left hands. The small switch (bow tie) allows you to reverse the direction of the mouse to accommodate left or right-handedness.

Antimicrobial protection, good ergonomic design, and easy movements make the penguin Ambidextrous ergonomic vertical mouse a clear winner in the market.

The cherry on top being complete technical support and 24 months guarantee. Penguin ambidextrous ergonomic vertical mouse is a must-have for all the ergonomic conscious. There are very few disadvantages and practically none related to the design.

Go for it!

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